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Our Photos

Princess and Duke in the snow

Princess and Duke in the snow Feb 08

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Duke Sophie and Daisy at the beach in March of 07

Duke and Sophie @ 21 months

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Wyn and Chloe best friends

On our way to the beach. "Let the wind Blow"

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Wyn and King

King and Lucy

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Sophie and Duke

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Let me show you how to sleep...zzzzzzzzz

Did you want to build a fire???

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Nicholas and DUKE

Cady DUKE and Lauren

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Pat with Duke and Princess Jan 2009

Pilot and Co-Pilot

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Happy Halloween Duke and Princess 2008 and Happy Birthday Johanna

Trick or Treat...... I DARE YOU!!!!!

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Winter Wonderland Duke and Princess 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

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Lee Otis and Princess in Central Park NYC Feb 2009

Lee, Otis and Princess in Central Park NYC Feb 2009

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.........and rest!

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Mick Wagger and Princess

Pat with Duke, 8 weeks old

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Duke trying to be a sexy model

The Nessralla children with Princess after a show

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Cheek to Cheek @ 5 months

You go under and I'll go over

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Duke (15 months) Daisy (8 months)

Daisy (10 wks) Duke (10 months)

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Daisy and Duke play tug of war


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Johanna with King and Wyn

Sophie and Duke @ 8 months with Johanna

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Can we Pleeease go to bed now...

Better not turn over

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HA Ha I have it and you don't

Lets get her...

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Sophie and Duke @ 7 months

Getting some lovin

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Email: Millbrkmastiffs@aol.com
 Lee Loring & Johanna Faricelli
Massachusetts  02360


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